- Get error message "Error:-1".
Connection closed unexpectly, please refresh current page.
- Access Code often changed.
There is a configuration file named 'gotohttp.ini' in the GotoHTTP directory. If the file was removed, GotoHTTP will create a new Access Code. So please do not remove the file. If you run GotoHTTP by double-clicking program file in decompression software, the config file will be created in temp folder and may be removed by system automatically.
- Desktop displayed, but not controlable.
If remote computer is Windows, please check if there exists some third parties software which blocked the key and mouse operation. If remote computer is MacOS, please go to the panel "System Preferences->Security & Privacy->Privacy->Accessibility", and select 'GotoHTTP'
- Remote computer is MacOS Catalina or above,GotoHTTP can only display background of desktop.
MacOS Catalina add a new permission for Screen Recording,please go to the panel "System Preferences->Security & Privacy->Privacy->Screen Recording", and select 'GotoHTTP'
- Unattended Access does not work on graphical Ubuntu17.10 or later.
- How to send Windows key
Please open soft keyboard from toolbar, then you can send some special keys with it.
- How to send MacOS Command key
Besides the soft keyboard, you can use left Alt key as Command as well. When you control MacOS from Windows or systems other than MacOS,GotoHTTP will use left Alt key as Command key by default. You can click the button 'ALT->CMD' in floating shortcuts window to enable or disable this behavior. However if both sides of computers are MacOS, this function is disabled by default.
- Some keys(such as Q,A and etc) can't be typed in browser
You have maybe installed some browser plug-in(like Global Speed video plug-in) which will use those keys as hot key,please click the plug-in icon on top-right corner of browser to disable it; or disable hot-key option in the plug-in settings.
- While controlling Android device, the virtual keys on bottom can not be clicked.
In the System Settings, please check if there is an option for full screen app which does not allow GotoHTTP to use full screen.
- The mouse of mobile or PAD does not work
If your mobile or PAD has a mouse,and you want to use it. Please MUST not touch screen after remote control started,or the mouse will not work. However in case of doing that,please click the tool icon,then choose Touch Mode,then switch back to Mouse Mode, mouse will work again.
- How to send Android Home or Back key
Clicking mouse right button or press 'Esc' key to send 'Back' key; Clicking mouse middle button or press 'Win' key in soft keyboard to send 'Home' key.
- Can't enter full screen mode.
Some browsers may not allow full screen mode by programing,please open Clipbaord dialog in Control Toolbar,then try to press key 'F11'.
- What port does GotoHTTP use?
GotoHTTP use standard Web port HTTPS/443, so you can use GotoHTTP as long as you can visit our web site. Our service enabled Web port HTTP/80 as well,but we don't recommend that you use the port. GotoHTTP supports Peer-to-Peer connection, it uses UDP port 8127, but that is not compulsory, GotoHTTP can work even the UDP port was blocked.
- Is GotoHTTP safe?
No body can access your computer unless he knows your Computer Id and Access Code. If someone attempt to guess your Access Code, your computer will be locked after some attempts without any prompt. It will be kept locked till attempt stopped